LDS Nursery Resources

Enjoy these resources and lessons that I have put together to share.

LDS Helps to go with "Behold Your Little Ones" - Listed by Lesson Number

Make your nursery a wonderful memory for you and your children! This project grew out of an assignment for my "Teaching Methods" class at BYU in 2004. I've shared this work with over 1000 nursery workers who have joined my yahoo group worldwide since 2005. I am looking forward to sharing my ideas that are easy to duplicate and most of them come from the Children's Friend or other church produced resources. As I update to the new format, I hope that nursery workers will be able to use these carefully coordinated ideas for the new "Behold Your Little Ones" Nursery manual.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

8 Sunday Is a Day to Remember Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ

Gathering Activities:
Play dough (see recipe files) at the table with Sunday organ music playing.Play sacrament music on tape or Unit 1 Nursery Quiet Music CD
Creation Days Picture Game (adapted from pg. 45) The children act out the pictures. Role Play how we behave on Sundays. Sunday pictures inside box (each child chooses a picture)
Cardboard churches to decorate. These are like gingerbread houses but made of corrugated cardboard. (see pattern)Decorate with crackers, pretzels, cereal, gummy things and maybe a few sweets. For “glue” use merengue icing in a baggie with the end cut to apply “glue”.
"Saturday" 196 “Days of the week”“Here is the Church, Here is the Steeple” “This is God’s House”
Jesus Heals on the SabbathJesus Heals on the Sabbath story. We can do good on the Sabbath.Don’t give this story out until lesson 19
Art Activities:
1. Sunday is a Special Day Activity wheel from Jan 85 Friend in photos section of this group 2. 2 choose the right a.htm/37 i can keep the sabbath day holy.htm Sabbath Booklet
Advance Preparation:

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