LDS Nursery Resources

Enjoy these resources and lessons that I have put together to share.

LDS Helps to go with "Behold Your Little Ones" - Listed by Lesson Number

Make your nursery a wonderful memory for you and your children! This project grew out of an assignment for my "Teaching Methods" class at BYU in 2004. I've shared this work with over 1000 nursery workers who have joined my yahoo group worldwide since 2005. I am looking forward to sharing my ideas that are easy to duplicate and most of them come from the Children's Friend or other church produced resources. As I update to the new format, I hope that nursery workers will be able to use these carefully coordinated ideas for the new "Behold Your Little Ones" Nursery manual.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

5 Jesus Christ Showed Us How to Love Others

Gathering Activities:
Let the children watch the Children's Bible Stories Video of The Sermon on the Mount
Color on cutout hearts with the words "Jesus loved others" or something to this effect. Go on a "Love Other's Walk" inside our outside of the church. Give out the hearts.
All children show their love for one another by helping get snack time ready and passing out supplies and food.
"Jesus Said Love Everyone" 61 CS"Love One Another" 136 CS"We Are Different" 263 CS"Every Star Is Different" 142 CS"Kindness Begins with Me" 145 CS"A Special Gift Is Kindness" 145 CS
Singing Activities:
Jesus said love everyone (spread arms out wide);Treat them kindly, too (nod head up and down).When your heart is filled with love (put hands over heart),Others will love you (hug self), Ask the children to follow the instructions below. After the children do each action, thank them for following the instruction.1. Please stand up.2. Sit down, please.3. Please stand up and turn around. Please sit down. Stand up again, please.4. Stretch your hands high above your head, please.5. Please sit down quietly.• What polite, or kind, words did I say?• How do you feel when someone says “please” and “thank you” to you?Help the children understand that if we want others to speak kindly to us, we should speak kindly to them.
Stories: Tell stories about Jesus and his love
Art Activities:
Using the cheap hearts stickers from valentines day, decorate a picture of friends from lesson 33 young zones in links
Advance Preparation:
Remind parents to bring in a comfort item for the Holy Ghost discussion.

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