LDS Nursery Resources

Enjoy these resources and lessons that I have put together to share.

LDS Helps to go with "Behold Your Little Ones" - Listed by Lesson Number

Make your nursery a wonderful memory for you and your children! This project grew out of an assignment for my "Teaching Methods" class at BYU in 2004. I've shared this work with over 1000 nursery workers who have joined my yahoo group worldwide since 2005. I am looking forward to sharing my ideas that are easy to duplicate and most of them come from the Children's Friend or other church produced resources. As I update to the new format, I hope that nursery workers will be able to use these carefully coordinated ideas for the new "Behold Your Little Ones" Nursery manual.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

1 - I Am a Child of God

Gathering Activity
Gently swing a child in a sheet folded lengthwise and sing “the child’s name" is a Child of God.
Lesson Activities
Lesson in a Present (put mirror into a box)Tell the children that there is something special from Heavenly Father in the Box. Record the children saying who they are – play their voices back during lesson.
Snack Idea
Delicious Doll FHE pg 288
”Here We are Together”,“I am a Child of God”,“Once I Was a Spirit” (Sung to “Snowman”)“My Heavenly Father Loves Me”, “Two Little Eyes"
Prayerfully study Exodus 2:1–10; Psalm 82:6; Doctrine and Covenants D&C 138:55–56; and Moses 1:1–6. See also Gospel Principles (31110), chapter 2.Picture 1-1, The World (62196); picture 1-2, Moses in the Bulrushes (Gospel Art Picture Kit 106; 62063). Tell Story "Know Who You Are", Friend, Feb 1988. 1. Tell the story "Leann’s Spirit," Friend, Feb. 2005,
Art Activity
1. Make outline of each child with butcher paper. 2. Make "A child of God" faces using the visuals from Friend, Feb 2005, 24-25. They are in the photos section. 3. Friend Mar '03 Favorite Things Frame; Make into a placemat like this one: Friend Dec '99 Placemat idea with large hands reaching down and small hands reaching up I am a Child of God.
Advance Preparation Collect the snowflakes asked for from last week to use in the lesson to make the point of how special each child is in lesson 4.

1 comment:

La Michelle said...

Each Child Is Precious

Some faces are round
Some faces are thin,
Some faces are freckled,
Some have a long chin.
Faces of children
Are different, it’s true.
But each child is precious—
There’s only one you.

"Know who you are" the Friend, Nov. 1988